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Marseille is also well known in France for its hip hop music. In a slightly different way, ragga music is represented by Massilia Sound System. Marseille is listed as a major centre of art and history. The city has many museums and galleries and there are many ancient buildings and churches of historical interest. Most of the attractions of Marseille including shopping areas are located in the 1st, 2nd, 6th and 7th arrondissements. These include: . The Palais Longchamp with its monumental fountain.

The main attractions outside the city centre include: . A number of the faculties of the three universities that comprise Aix-Marseille University are located in Marseille:. Scientific research is concentrated at several sites across the city, including Luminy, where there are institutes in developmental biology the IBDML , immunology CIML , marine sciences and neurobiology INMED , at the CNRS Jopus a world-renowned institute of molecular and environmental microbiology and at the Timone hospital site known for work in medical microbiology.

Marseille is also home to the headquarters of the IRD , which promotes research into questions affecting developing countries. The city is served by an international airport, Marseille Provence Airport , located in Marignane. The airport is the fifth busiest French airport, and known the 4th most important European traffic growth in iranian dating sites uk Gare de Marseille Saint-Charles is Marseille’s main railway station.

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The city is also served with 11 other regional trains stations in the east and the north of the city. It consists of two lines: Line 1 blue between Castellane and La Rose opened in and Line 2 red between Sainte-Marguerite-Dromel and Bougainville opened between and An extensive bus network serves the city and suburbs of Marseille, with lines and buses. A free ferry service operates between the two opposite quays of the Old Port. From ferry shuttle services operate between the Old Port and Pointe Rouge; in spring it will also run to l’Estaque.

The city boasts a wide variety of sports facilities and teams. The most popular team is the city’s football club , Olympique de pions League in , before winning the competition in The club had a history of success under then-owner Bernard Tapie. Sailing is a major sport in Marseille. The wind conditions allow regattas in the warm waters of the Mediterranean. The event draws the world’s best sailing teams to Marseille. The identical supplied boats J Boats J racing yachts are raced two at a time in an on the water dogfight which tests the sailors and skippers to the limits of their physical abilities.

Match racing is an ideal sport for spectators in Marseille, as racing in close proximity to the shore provides excellent views. The city was also considered as a possible venue for America’s Cup. Marseille is also a place for other water sports such as windsurfing and powerboating.

Marseille has three golf courses. The city has dozens of gyms and several public swimming pools. An annual footrace is held between the city and neighbouring Cassis: the Marseille-Cassis Classique Internationale.

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